Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tag... you're it

I have discovered over the course of my life, that I'm generally lousy at keeping in touch with people I don't see on a weekly basis. I chalk it up to being too busy, or opining about the "biggies" in life, but I think that might be a justification... I've been known to do that. But ultimately, my lack of contact ISN'T coming from a dislike, or even a lack of caring for someone. I figure I can have an appreciation for someone, and even a deep affection for them, and not think to call them. Perhaps it's a feeling that they will always be there, just a phone call away. And yet, you hear of countless times where people wish they had talked to their loved one/friend, just ONE LAST TIME.

All that sounds dramatic and urgent, but can you live you life thinking that way? Constantly fearing that the conversation you just had with someone MIGHT be your last? I know... parents get older, kids grow up so fast, relationships change, but is life about going down a list of phone numbers and just "making the rounds"? I suppose being busy doesn't count for much when those closest to me think I've got my head too far up my schedule to notice anyone else around me...And I thought the days were just getting shorter.


Miss Molly said...

No, it's just that we're getting old. And going through the motions instead of living life like we did when we were young and carefree! I go through the rounds on Facebook/MySpace. I can't even be bothered to call. :)

Cameron Akrami said...

Maybe it's because we're so inundated with contact that we need a reprieve? I can think back to 10 years ago when the pager was the weapon of choice, and even then, there was a question as to whether someone would call you back. I think there is a pressure to check-out because we're continually connected to anyone that wants to get ahold of us.