Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stick 'em up!

A funny interaction from my facebook profile, responding to this quote: "blaming guns for violence is like blaming pencils for misspellings. stupid people are the problem."

Laila: Yes, but if you take away the source from "stupid people" they would have less means for that violence.

Cameron: How do you remove someone's source for stupid? It seems like stupid flows from an internal, unquenchable spring. Oh! You mean remove the guns? Stupid people are surprisingly clever in being able to demonstrate violence with knives, barstools, fists, an axe, their car. Nope... unless you find a way to remove the stupid from the person, I fear you'll never get rid of violence. Guns are just more scary to the average person than other weapons, and thus, easy to pin blame.

Kristin: Or blaming the spoon for people being fat!! Can't stop stupid!

Cameron: Kristin, I swear it IS the evil spoon that shovels mounds of ice-cream into my mouth against my will. I wouldn't eat ice-cream otherwise, but that spoon keeps making me do it. I think Laila is onto something; I'm going to go home today and throw out ALL the spoons! Phew! I thought I'd be at the mercy of the spoon for my whole life. Maybe I can melt my spoons down into bullets.

Laila: You can go ahead and mock me, but when you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot Cameron I'll be the one who is laughing.

Cameron: I won't shoot myself in the foot... but I have cut myself with a knife by accident on several occasions. I seem to have an issue with several kitchen implements. The only one that hasn't acted with malice toward me is the fork. Yes, the good ol' fork is certainly a trustworthy utensil to have in the kitchen. Not to be confused with that sneaky utensil the "spork" (which has been known to shovel ice-cream into my mouth!). It seems even a utensil with the fortitude of the fork let down its guard one night in the drawer next to the spoon. Like Frankenstein and his monster, if only the fork could take back that terrible hybrid creation!