Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gingerbread House, Indiana Jones style

So, we show up at Mangi's for their second annual Gingerbread house contest. Last year, we were squarely routed by the store-bought likes of Heath and Jill Burke. We were unfocused and didn't bring a coherent plan. The result..."A Katrina Christmas", complete with candy-men on the roof of our gingerbread house, imploring the judges to choose our house, or at the very least, heed the "HELP" written in frosting, and eat them. Insensitive, no doubt; funny, yes.

Well, this year we showed up with a theme and a vision. We had in mind to create an Indiana Jones theme, complete with a giant Jaw-Breaker candy (2.5 inches in diameter) as the memorable boulder which chases Dr. Jones in the film. We set out and created a functional masterpiece. Unfortunately, our impressionist rendition in gingerbread of this beloved movien did not meet the stringent demands for precise cuts and neurotic attention to detail that our judges demanded.
We lost to a freaking fake Santa Village, while meticulous and breathtaking, had NO glimmer of soul. The skating pond had no skater, the Candy store had no customers, and the finely crafted park benches had no sitters. While the judges expressed disdain for gimmicks, they may have fallen for the chef hats worn by the victors, while missing the fact that the gingerbread city was devoid of any feeling, much like an autistic child playing a Beethoven piece, yet missing the crucial "feel".

So I say to the victor to the spoils, and team Akrami will heavily weigh whether or not to sell our soul to appease the Gingerbread gods next year...though to do so will impair our ability to connect to all but machines as we lose our humanity. Overstated?...nah!

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