Monday, December 15, 2008

My head is now a pumpkin

For whatever reason, I'm sitting here writing away on this blog at 1:45 AM, rather than sleeping. Goes to show that watching an action flick till 1am after drinking French-press coffee does not make for a sleepy combination. Had fun watching "Dark Night" with Paul Hodi, rewinding the especially explosive scenes (did they HAVE to smash that Lamborghini?!?).

I'm really jazzed about this morning's message for a couple reasons:
1) God moved and seemed to reach a bunch of people through it, and
2) That kicked off a 4 week break from any major planning on my part (aside from work, that is). It's nice to not have so many things pulling at me continually. These breaks are welcome, and enable me to come back with vigor.

Tonight, I will sleep with a peace, knowing that I will actually have more than 2 nights off this week. :)

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