Michelle and I are embarking on an adventure, the beginning of which resembles standing in line for a roller coaster and watching the car pull into the gate. The anticipation, and ultimately, the commitment you make to the topsy-turvey road ahead of you. The commitment which says, once you're seated and the coaster gets moving, you're in it till the ride is over. Sure, you can jump out prematurely and be dashed against the tracks (as some of my friends horrifyingly witnessed at Knotts Berry Farm 14 years ago). The rational person inside me asks why I would embark on such a stomach turning endeavor, with no guarantees of a smooth ride or personal gain.
Buying our first home brings with it, the sense of the unexpected, the financial committment, the looking into each other's eyes and declaring "here we go!". Just the thought of owning and being responsible for our own home is breathtaking, sending bursts of adrenaline coursing through our veins, imploring us to choose between "fight or flight". The next few days will tell us whether our offer for purchase has been accepted, and we look forward to choosing to fight for victory in making this work. To have a piece of the "American Dream"; a place to call our own. To not just sit on the roller coaster as a passive, terrified rider, but to thrust our hands in the air as if to say "bring it"!
We are placing an offer on a home that we both like, and are waiting to hear back with an answer.
From the back of the house looking up

Me, contemplating living in a house with a purple room.

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